Love Your Heart Chakra - 5 keys to a long lasting, healthy relationship.
Confucius believed that a strong foundation of respect and virtue was essential for a successful marriage. He emphasized the importance of loyalty, sincerity, and proper conduct between spouses. He also highlighted the role of communication and shared values in maintaining a harmonious relationship.
Don’t Fear Your Emotions
Communication through the heart
The Lion's Heart
We need compassion for a long lasting healthy relationship. Compassion gives us the ability to empathize with our partner, and to try to understand where they are coming from. Many times couples want to try and have their partner conform to what they like or their own beliefs. This is not the way to a healthy relationship. It is honoring the other differences, with an honest and open heart that will create lifelong relationships. Many times opposites attract so we can learn from each other. This gives for interesting and stimulating conversations, along with the relationship will never be boring. If we are too much alike we do not grow. For example my husband was raised deeply Christian and very religious, while I was into astrology, and more spiritually inclined and into eastern thought like buddhism. Our Values matched but not our religions, now, I deeply love my husband, we have been married for a very long time. Through this relationship we both have expanded our souls, moved out of our comfort zones, and learned from each other. It's been a wonderful ride exploring our differences, and then coming to a realization we are both perfect the way we are. Both of us are a little Messy!
“Relationship means the willingness to accept others imperfections and differences; this is what relationships are all about.” ~Taoist Wisdom~
2. Vulnerability
When we open our hearts to another person it helps to create long lasting relationships. Now true vulnerability can make us feel completely naked. This is where we are utterly open with our emotions and we let the person know how we are truly feeling. Many people will only share parts of themselves, and keep the rest of themselves under lock and key. The heart wants to share and be open, but we fear, if I share this part of myself the other person won't like me or understand me. The truth is maybe that person won't understand you, but that's ok because we are here to learn and grow from each other. Maybe one partner is more serious and stubborn, while the other partner is more sensitive and open. If the one partner who is serious and stubborn lets you know they are slow to share themselves right away you should honor them. That statement alone tells you they are being vulnerable about who they are.
“We are here on this planet to be authentically ourselves. The heart knows this and wants us to love unconditionally.” ~Taoist Wisdom~
3. Do Not Fear Your Emotions
In relationships we don't have to react to emotions, we can stop and check in with our hearts to come back to ourselves. Emotions are fluid, constantly changing. We are not always going to be happy in a relationship, some days you will be angry, some days you will be sad, some days you will be madly in love. They may change, like the wind. Our emotions are a connection to our spiritual self, so they can be an inner light to understand where we are at and how we are feeling. This Isn't an excuse to blame your partner on how you feel, you must look within, this is a journey of self discovery. Relationships are mirrors to help us on this journey of self awareness. Never start a conversation when you are angry. Breath and calm down. Go take a long walk, or even go to the gym. Take big long breaths before you start the conversation. Remember you should always be willing to discuss difficult topics, just never when you are angry.
“Be calm, connected, centered - make decisions from this place of calm, from the heart. Control yourself, and do not try to control others.” ~Taoist Wisdom~
4. Communicate From the Heart Chakra
We all know communication is key in any relationship, but we must learn to communicate from the heart. In a relationship there will inevitably become a point where two people will have something difficult they will need to discuss. We shouldn't avoid these difficult conversations, but remember to come from love and the heart when discussing them. Especially during these difficult discussions, it's extremely important to communicate from the heart. Words are important, use words like “this is how I'm feeling. Do not use words like - “You made me feel. No one can make you feel anything. They may trigger you, but remember partners are mirrors to how you actually feel about yourself inside.
“ Love cannot be demanded. Respect can not be demanded. Love and Respect are reflections of what we are inside - in our hearts!” “Taoist Wisdom”
5. Know The Lion's Heart!
What is the lion's heart? This is when the heart chakra is completely open with the ability to love openly and unconditionally.. The lion knows who they are and isn't afraid to be vulnerable. They are able to express themselves without fear of rejection or what their partner will think. The lion is able to love their partner's flaws and imperfections, without trying to fix them, while allowing them to completely be themselves. The Lion will have a fierce determination and knowing that they are in the relationship for the long haul willing to endure the difficult discussions, or difficult times. Relationships take work, that doesn't mean they are not filled with love and joy. There is great magic with the lion's heart, in its purity you can freely love one another. The biggest thing to remember is to love yourself and not to seek a relationship to make you happy. A Relationship should allow each soul to grow and expand to its highest potential. Your Heart Chakra is designed with great wisdom, so use that wisdom to create beautiful long lasting relationships.
“Put your emphasis on the word SHIP and less on the word Relation, If the ship has holes and fills with water and sinks there will be no Relation, so take care of the SHIP and the relation will stay afloat.” ~Taoist Wisdom~