Hello, My name is Tiffany

Invest in yourself with My Free Video. Awaken The Heart!

Receive A Free Video that teaches you about Taoism & The Seven Human Challenges

How Do We Awaken The Heart In This New Paradigm Shift?

The earth is moving faster, and people are feeling this movement. Astrologically we are entering what is called a new paradigm shift, we will see great change on this planet. There is a shift happening on this planet that requires us to heal our bodies, heal our minds, and heal hearts and spirits. It’s all about Self Love and awakening the heart.

In my FREE Video, I show you exactly what you need to do for spiritual cultivation or ascension. I will talk about the astrological changes that are also contributing to this change that is happening right now. Plus how these changes are affecting our mind, body, and spirit.

  • What astrological transits are affecting the planet right now

  • Discover how ascension and these astrological shifts affect the body

  • Understanding The Dan tain, in Toasim and the flow of energy in all things

  • Learn about the 7 human challenges that all humans will face during this time.

Free Video Training. Get Started Today!

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